My Journey…
about me
Finding a good fit…
Sometimes in life, people just don’t ‘gel’, that’s just the way it is.
I’ve mentioned before, that, for therapy to be successful you need to have a good connection with your therapist.
I will attempt to give you enough information so that you can get an idea of my values, who I am and why it is, I think I can help you.
After that, it’s your choice as to whether we will be a good ‘fit’ for each other.
If, after reading this, you are still in doubt, arrange a free consultation, and then you can finally make up your mind about myself.
And if you don’t think I am suitable, then no hard feelings from myself, and you’ve lost nothing except a little bit of your time.
My name is Lee Duffy(51 years) and I was born in Liverpool, England and now live in Benidorm Spain.
Early days…
In my early days, I was a keen(and good!) footballer. That’s me in the green goalkeeping jersey.
I was fortunate enough to sign for Everton FC as a schoolboy. I got to train with my hero Neville Southall and everything was great!
Unfortunately, I was released(under debatable circumstances) just after leaving school. Although disappointed it didn’t dent my confidence as I knew I was a good player.
But, without realising it at the time, it wasn’t until later on in life that I realized that this incident had left me with a negative mindset.
It hadn’t affected all areas of my life, just some.
I was normally an upbeat, positive person, willing to try anything…but in certain areas, I just thought, ‘What’s the point in trying, it probably won’t work out anyway!’.
It taught me that you never really know, what things big or small, may have an impact on your life.
Even things that you may have forgotten about or never really paid attention to.
These thoughts or memories can creep into your unconscious and then run themselves in your life automatically, without you knowing.
Late teens…
In my late teens, I decided to give up what I considered, ‘conventional jobs’ like studying to be an electrician, and decided to go experience life by working abroad in such places as Crete and Turkey.
It was certainly a lot of fun working away from home. It was like being in your own ‘little bubble’.
Working behind a bar can teach you so much regarding people skills.
And being in a foreign place meant I had the chance to experience a different culture, whilst learning to be independent as well.
Were they great days? No….they were probably the ‘best days of my life’!
The later years…
After five or six years of working abroad, I decided to spend more time in Liverpool.
I tried many jobs throughout the years, including car sales, working in call-centres and also
being self-employed working as a taxi driver.
Even though I didn’t particularly like selling cars, it was actually my second-longest job. Working there for nearly ten years!
The reason I stayed was simple…I worked with a great team.
The people there started as colleagues and turned into lifelong friends.
You can’t underestimate the value of good close friends. They are there for your good times, but also there during your bad times as well.
Although these jobs never fulfilled me, I don’t regret trying any of them.
It’s given me an abundance of experience in different work environments.
From the stresses and strains of trying to hit targets in sales, to the mundane and mind-numbing
experience working in a call centre(in my eyes anyway…some people may enjoy it).
To the loneliness and dangers of driving a taxi cab day and night around the streets of Liverpool.
These jobs weren’t for me, but I try to learn and take the good from every experience I’ve had.
Modern Day…
Nowadays I do my Hypnotherapy full-time. If I’m not with clients, you’ll find me studying and trying to improve my skills as a Hypnotherapist/Therapist.
In my spare time, I like to write and record music, plus I play in the local bars to let my hair down!
Personal Experiences…
Before working in Hypnotherapy, I saw first-hand the dangers of various drug and alcohol addictions, as two of my friends, unfortunately, passed away because they couldn’t escape the hold it had on them.
I’ve also seen first-hand the crippling effect that anxiety and panic attacks can have on people.
Seeing my friends unable to leave the house for fear that they were going to suffer is quite hard to
Once I learned that hypnotherapy and other skills could potentially help people with these issues, I
was determined to learn as much as possible about it, so that I could be in a position where I may be
able to help.
I feel I have finally found my calling, as the fulfilment you get when you can help people live healthier
and happier lives, is second to none. A feeling that no other job has given me.
I strive to learn more and help more people every day.
I’m not perfect, and I’m the first to admit it, but I feel that with every new day, people are capable of changing
their way of life for the better, including myself.
Hopefully, this has given you an insight into my life and history.
If you feel that you will be comfortable working with me, then click the button below to arrange a free consultation.
Best regards, Lee.